Jun 20, 2016
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and US Senator Maria Cantwell pay tribute to the first ever World FSHD Awareness Day.

Jun 17, 2016
Genea Biocells is donating to Friends for every picture of Myotube Mike tagged as #MyotubeMike4FSHD on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Jun 17, 2016
Sheila had the pleasure of meeting with Daniel G. Miller, Geneticist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, and Associate Professor at the University of Washington. Dr. Miller and colleagues from the University of Rochester, the University of Washington, and Seattle Children’s Hospital recently published a cross sectional study of two independent groups of people with FSHD, and identified serum biomarkers. The landmark study was published in the journal Neuromuscular Disorders.

Jun 16, 2016
We are re-issuing our 2016 general call for research proposals. We are accepting any proposal that support a path toward a treatment or cure for FSH muscular dystrophy.
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