Posted by Gregory J Block MSc PhD on Apr 3, 2014

Friends of FSH Research recently received its first check from This was provided for merely going to when making purchases at and selecting Friends of FSH Research as your default charity. Once you have set a default charity, will send Friends 0.5% of the price of most any item you purchase. And there is nothing else you need to do.
As with all donations from individuals, every penny is directed toward FSHD research related activities. Yes, every penny. How can that be, with so many charities out there in the world spending so much of their funding on salaries, benefits, and fund-raising itself? When Rick & Terry initially began this organization they did so because of a lack of FSHD research funding. They wanted to promote basic research and push the science toward a solution, a cure. To them, this meant all your donation must be used for research.

To this end, in addition to the purchase price of the annual FSH Auction tickets, Costco has each and every year made a generous gift to Friends to help pay for the cost of the auction, postage, paper, and all those mundane things. Friends has been very fortunate to find such an ally in Costco such that your donations can be used entirely for what you intended in the first place.
And when a cure is found? Rick & Terry will be done. They will close up shop and take a much-needed vacation. And you will know that you personally changed the lives of tens of thousands of FSHD patients around the world for the better. How many people can say that?
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